
19 January 2011

Snip Snip

I thought I would share my trip to the hairdresser and hairstyles I wanna try!

Before and After
It took a couple of hours, because I my mum and auntie were also getting their hair coloured and cut. The dye didn't itch at all which has never happened to me before!

I wanted a bright red, but they were relunctant to bleach it when my mum told them I have excema, but I have a red patch where it was already bleach XD

Afterwards in Fairwood.
Do you try and be creative with your hair?

Mina Scans
I plan to use these scans for myself later on :)

I want to try the 30 day hairstyle challenge.
I'm hoping to making it a challenge for everyone with (small) gifts for people that complete it ^^

Do you think you can do the 30 day hairstyle challenge?


  1. I wanna colour my hair too lately but i don't know when i would actually do it. :)

  2. Oh, now we have the same bang~♥
    But I can't do the 30 day hairstyle challenge~. Anyway, my straightener is dying at the moment and I even don't want to go out with curly hair ; _ ;

  3. oh I think I couldn't do that 30 day hairstyle challenge I am so lazy when I have school XDD
    but your hair looks beautiful :3 this fringe fits you so much<3

  4. That hair suit on you! *w*
    I really like this style <3

  5. You've left me inspired to do more to my hair hahahaha! My hair is exactly like that, simple straight and fringe, but It can get so boring! Whats the 30 day challenge? It sounds interesting!! Oh and im back in London now hunny bee!! So we can send letters again yay! Hahaha!

  6. awwww I'm looking forward to your letter :3
    well the BB cream I bought is one of the most popular in asia and it is really not thick, maybe you should try this one?^^

  7. yes my christmas and new year was nice, I ate so much delicious food :3
    and how was yours?

  8. I alwys do my hair the same way so i doubt i can mmhmm

  9. I just dyed my hair black yesterday. It has been black for 2 months now I think... I like it a lot like this. I like the cut, so I haven't tried anything different.

    This new cut looks great on you!! I love the bangs and the color n___n//

  10. WOW!

    I really like your new haircut! It looks very good on you! (And if I may say: thisonekicksyouroldhairstyle'sbutt!)

    /reply/ Haha! Cool, will you show them if there finished?
    And maybe I should, if I win a lotterly XD Or just get my paycheck! XD

    What do you think of my new layout?

  11. Oh, and I like the scan, topright. ANd then the up do above. I don't really know how they did that!.. But it looks awesome!
    I wish I could have bangs but my hair really wouldn't let me. I tright to straighten it permenantly, but that didn't work. At all.

    I don't know if I can do the challange... I think curly hair is really limited!

  12. What exactly is the 30 days hairstyle challenge? Searched a bit on your blog but couldn't find something about it, sounds interesting!

    And your after hair suits you much better :)

  13. After hours of looking for "curly haircuts, curly hair, curly hairstles" on google I found this:

    Only my hair is above shoulderlenght, but below my jawline? It depens where you look as the backside is shorter and the front longer.
    Althought the front is that long anymore as I had cut it equally short 6/8 months ago.
    Now it's growing/cutting back to that haistyle XD

  14. Ooh sounds like fun!! Ill start the same then too!! It's gonna be tricky haha! I work everyday ahahha! Sure you send a letter ^^ You still have my address? Its the same one as the old London one ^^ x

  15. And thanks! A white background with black text is easier to read then black and white!

  16. /reply/

    Well, I did imagine that if you would ask me to do it, what hairstyles I got come up with.

    I was stuck after 10 different styles XD

    Hm.. I really don't get the scan. Does the picture when the bun and those side streaks(sp?) is the first things to do and then look at step 1/2 when putting the streak up?
    Ah.. I don't get it. I don't think I made myself any clear XD

  17. /reply/
    I don't know if anyone would want my handmade skirt! XD

    Oh! Maybe that's because black is no colour, and thus no light. Ever seen black light? XD

  18. Ah, sounds like fun xD but I only have TWO hair styles I can do LOL.. "normal" straight hair and a ponytail. Wooooooooow..

  19. /reply/ The one on the top, the brown one! XD And then the mini pictures on the right.

    Ah, I was thinking it would have to be two tutorials on top XD I was like, ey? Where did the bun go?

  20. Lol yeah, I'm way too late like every day :D thanks to my make up xD

  21. oh wow! look at you! you look stunning! I love your bangs! and yes, yes I so want to get creative with my hair ;A;

  22. Naka!! I've missed you!!! I love your bangs!! You match bangs so well!!! ^_^ *hugs* glad you had fun!!

    I'm not on blogger much nowadays. way busy.

    You know me, I can't do the 30 day hair challenge. I'm just too lazy. But I love when you do it!! totally inspirational on new hair-dos!!!

  23. Deine neue Frisur sieht echt toll aus ;D
    Ich würde es glaube ich nicht schaffen 30 Tage durchzuhalten ;____;

  24. Your hair is so different, but it looks so pretty! :D

  25. I love your new haircut <3
    I'm glad to hear that you got my letter :3

  26. i definitely couldn't do the 30 day challenge, but i love your new bangs and the color too.

  27. OMG, this style reeeeally suits you!♥
    and lol my brother has excema, but when I dyed my hair we put a small patch of bleach on his head, but I never figured it could be a bad thing! :P

  28. I'm so glad to see you back to blogging Naka! <3 <3

    Oh, and I LOVE how you got your hair done. It really suits you!

  29. Those bangs look awfully cute on you! Try hair extensions, if you want red hair? :3

  30. Awww I really like your new hair cut girl! The bangs and colour red suit you (* v *)
    How cute, you look like your mom~
    I wish I could do fancy hair like those gyarus in the mag scans T ^ T

    - Gerry

  31. awww i love your new hair! *O* so adorable!!

  32. I love your new hairrr *-*!
    And ooh, I wanna try the 30 day hair challenge too :3

  33. 30 day hairstyle challenge? i cnt reli do it cz m so lazy styling my hair..i jz let it pull up in ponytail

  34. your hair looks great! i'd love to try the challenge but i'm quite lazy and alway late :/


  35. Nice cut!! I always want to try something new and I dunno why I always go out from the hairdresser's with the same cut...I think it's because he already has his ideas and doesn't listen to me so much XD
    I'd like to do the challege but I fear I'm simply too lazy...maybe I'll give it a try.

    I understand you SO much!!! My wardrobe is exploding, so I'm trying to limit my shopping, but there's always something I want! And making my clothes doesn't help too (but it's more satisfying when the result is good :P)

  36. LOVE your new hair! You look ever cuter the bangs! And sweet pic of you and your mom! :)

  37. hey, i like your blog, i'll follow you :D
    i'd totally try the 30 days hairstyle challenge!
    i wear a different hairstyle every day anyway lol XD
    Lippi ~<3

  38. Omg Naka you are soooo adorable! <3
    Loving the gif! :DD

    Your nerdy necklace is ... SO CUTE! T__T and your outfit for Sunday, adorable. xD If I could I would virtually stamp your post as UBER CUTE.

    The fringe compliments you very well. ^_^
    I'm going to definitely look up this movie, haha 10 minutes of him cutting his arm off? You got me interested! xD

  39. Amazing haircut, dear!
    I looks so great on you :)
    And I think I couldn't do the 30 day hairstyle challenge XD
    heheh =)
    but perhaps I try it someday =D



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