
21 February 2011

Exchange Program 2011!

I thought I would share what has been keeping me from the blogosphere for a week.
Simone & Svenja
It was great to finally have my German exchange partner to come over to stay with me!

They visited alot of different cities with their college and then when they were back we went to the beach, cinema or meet up with other people on the exchange.

Lolita Craft Meet
I organised a Lolita craft meet for when they came over and it went quite bad, but at the end of the day I think it was okay. I thought it would be nice for them to see what Lolita meets were like and I think they enjoyed it!

Thank you for everyone that came and put up with the venue troubles XD

Group Photo

Also I was stood on a chair XD I can't wait to see the other photos from the trip. The exchange program made me realise I have a rebel inside me!
I'll miss everyone! I hope to keep in touch though ^^

Which language would you love to learn?
I'm very jealous of naturally bilingual people (their mother tongue is different from their national language). Even though I should be naturally bilingual I'm not XD


  1. I would love to learn japanese language ^w^ or better english, hehe..

  2. oooh, lookies at all the japanese magazines! *drools*

    I'd looove to learn korean, japanese and chinese. Someday.. hahahaha!

  3. I've always wanted to do an exchange!

  4. Looks so great *O* I've always wanted to do an exchange~
    Anyway I'd love to learn CORRECT italien, mine is too messy and I can't talk propely with my family. Then I have interests in all the languages, really :D

  5. it´d love to know Danish!

    btw - French students came to our town past year and German students are coming in April. im looking forward :)

  6. Ah. I always wanted to have an exchange kid :( I nearly had one until the swine flu thing came about and Japan locked down on students flying out v-v"

    Also~ I would love to know; Spanish, German, Dutch, French etc :3

  7. thats great!! hehe we used to have japanese exchange students come over ^__^ it was so much fun !

  8. i love all these lolita meetups! looks like you're having a ball.

    i would love to be fluent in spanish and french (studied both in high school). and then learn some german or italian.

  9. I want to exchange student with someone from........ Japan! haha surprised :P? I want to learn Japanese aswell + Spanish.


  10. great blog, i wish i had done student exchange when i could have.. i know chinese but only conversationally

  11. I can only speak English and Dutch *cough*

    Because I stopped with French and German in secundairy school.
    I can still say in French that I cannot speak French and order "criossants" at the bakery though XDD

    I would love to learn French, Korean and Japanese.

    I think that's about it? XD

  12. Japanese or Italian ...maybe both haha. Aww well everyone looks like they are having fun :) what did you lot craft? xxx

  13. Looks like you had a brilliant time. What was it like meeting your German exchange partners? And I love all of the Lolita dresses in the photo, I'd love to try it! xxx

  14. Hey, so cool that your German exchange partner could get a glimpse of your life there! ;) I bet she must have had fun!

    Tell me about the disadvantages of not being bilingual! :( I'm living in America when my native language is Spanish ... it sucks not being able to say exactly what you mean in the right timing ...

    Have a great week!


  15. you can't speak chinese? oh and about the posts, it sounds so fun to meet with so many friends. Unfortunately most of my friends here are quite busy and I am, too so fml lolol!

  16. omygosh im so jealous of natural bilingual ppl too. i should be bilingual too! but my mother doesnt talk tagalog or chinese with me. so im only english speaker with a hint of tagalog and japanese =/

  17. wow! looks so fun there! >.<
    jealousss .loll :D

  18. I'd like to improve my Japanese. As for learning a new language, I'd love to learn Spanish too *__*

  19. Amazing exchange program(:

    I really really want to learn French! But it's so difficult since I don't have tutor ):

    Dreamy Princess

  20. Aw your exchange looks fab! I always love your pics! They document everything so well! :) ƸӜƷ MLMBeautiful ƸӜƷ xxx

  21. The picture of the rainbow is so pretty! I'd like to go to a Lolita meet one day as I'm fascinated by the fashion.

    I'd love to learn Japanese. Tried French and that was too hard for me.
    What language would you like to learn? :)

  22. That meet was cool, it was nice to meet your exchange students :D

  23. I would love to be able to speak French, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Spanish. Whoa, there's so many! I'm learning French at the moment and I wish I could speak Mandarin because all my family on my mum's side can! XD I feel very un-Chinese because I can't speak Chinese, but it's alright, since I live in the USA. (Sorry for the long comment .__.)


♫ Feeding on your love ♥