
24 February 2011

I Miss

alot of things...
All nighter 2009
my adventures, all nighters and single expeditions.
WGW 2009
Discovering new things.
2010 Textiles
GCSE textiles and being crafty.

our friendship
Summer 2010
The summer/good weather.

my innocence.

What do you miss?


  1. Those are such cute outfits in the second one. I don't think you are missing all your innocence. Why are you missing so many things. What is different now?

  2. it sounds a bit sad..I hope these things will come back to you♥
    I also miss the warmth of summer or spring..;o;

    my letter will come soon^^

  3. you're doing GCSEs ??
    hope you're doing good at that !
    i got over my GCSEs about 3 years ago :D

  4. I miss being rich. haha. Lovely pics!

  5. You miss your innocence?

  6. Aaaw, maybe some of these things are right around the corner (or in your memories) ? The second picture is really cute, and the last picture especially ♥

  7. I miss being a little kid and not having to worry about things.

  8. gawsh I miss a lot of things! When I could just play all day and not worry about bills :P Even going to school was play when you're a kid! :P
    I miss my high school buddies too :)

    heehee.. love your last pic! :P super cute!
    did you make that skirt with the kitty (<-?) shirt? :P

  9. what an absolutely cute blog you have here. ^_^

  10. I miss too many things. Most of them are friends that moved away...I miss feeling like I was on the top of the world. I miss being a little kid, awed by everything in front of me.

    I actually started a post like this awhile ago called Wonders of the Younger, but then I deleted it...

  11. Awww.
    I miss being able to hang out with my friends all the time...

    (oh! and yes, I do crochet and knit. I prefer crochetting though. x3 I've made some amigurumi and scarves! I should be sending out your letter soon; sorry for the delayy) :3

  12. i miss the summer, too!!!

  13. Awww it looks like you can still get some of those things back!! I miss being young and not having to pay rent and college loans ;)

  14. I miss summer too :(
    Great post though!! The first picture is terrific!!

  15. hey naka! i miss ur blog! i was away for a while! it's nice to see your blog again!

  16. i miss lazy days, hanging around with my friends and zero responsibilities.

    On a more fun front, i miss black forrest pancakes

    Bright Green Laces

  17. aww this is a sweet post. i miss school :( which is weird haha

  18. IT IS A SCORCHING 38CELSIUS here in perth so I am not missing summer at all! lolol. I can't wait for winter!

  19. I miss..

    - being able to wear stockings/tights (way too hot)
    - my boyfriend
    - being able to muck around with my old high school friends
    - not caring about the future

    and ee, just a lot of things :(

  20. ooowh, everyone misses things, but you look forward to things too :) that the good part ^-^

    I miss
    - my grandmother
    - my old house
    - my earlier best friend
    - my spare time XD
    - ....


  21. I miss my mummy!

    Cute post :-)


  22. So sad Q_Q In particular the innocence.

    I miss being calm and have high hopes about my future, don't being scared by death, use my rage to be creative, have more time to draw, flirting with boys, don't care about ohters' serious...I'm becoming an adult, brr!


♫ Feeding on your love ♥