
03 August 2011


I went on another adventure with Charlotte today :)

We found a little goldmine of alternative shops; it's convinced me to definitely apply to Manchester University!

I loved the design of the building and the layout of it :3 It's wasn't easy to find, but now I think it is, we just walked in the opposite direction lol. Afflecks (the alternative goldmine) isn't too hard to find and I would really recommend going there if you're ever nearby! They even have retro arcade games dotted about in the building too :)

We found a Cyber Dog aswell! It was pretty intense, the staff there were super friendly and cool too, I would love to go to a rave party now :)
The store was very cute, but the shop owner mistook me for being able to speak mandirin, and it was very awkward and then I walked into her mirror.....

We later trekked to China Town for Soya milk and Mountain Dew. I spoke some Cantonese again :3 I'm such an embarrassment to the Asian race...


I picked up alot of flyers too, which I'll late use as postcards :)

There was beautiful sky aswell on the way back. I love my little adventures, I'm going to go back to being boring when college starts again though :(


  1. what a cute little adventure! takes me back to the time when I applied for college gaah, i feel so old! and you look so cute in that dress! <3

  2. aww you and your gf are so cute and look like you guys had such a fabulous time~!

  3. you guys look so cute!!!
    I love adventures like yours! :P
    I should do more exploring too :p
    the cherry cherry shop looks so cute :P I was looking at their site! :p

  4. Nawww you're not an embarrasement to Asian!
    I wanne see what you've bought Naka-chan :D
    I love these kind of shops aswell.. they have cool stuff and all...


  5. Awe, I love this post! You should take us on a tour often! ;) And you girls look adorable!

    Thank you so much for taking part in my giveaway! I'm SO unpopular only two people got interested, haha. You have great chances of winning ;).

    Have a fun day! :P



  6. i like ur long hair and nice trip with ur friend :)

  7. Oh you had a fun adventure, I want to go exploring in the city like that too! And the flyers are really cute, thats cool you can just pick them up^^

  8. Show us what you've bought :D
    Btw, thanks for your comment but... don't you remember me ? I was nomomorewait on another blogspot.

  9. I love retro arcade games. Pac Man is BOMB! ;D

  10. you are very cute with this dress ^^ and i love your jacket! >3<
    that most original shops, I was in London when I went to cyverdog last year and found it very cool *-* the other did not know, thanks for the link, it is seen that had a good day. ^o^

  11. cool! look like a great time for you! Love the sky... gorgeous moment


  12. awww~ so nice pics^^ anonymous is cool :)
    you look cute with your friend^^ I just sent my letter :3

  13. Cute pics! :) You should join the postcrossing project!

  14. look so sweet
    grettings from Stella :)

  15. I love the last photo, it's a lovely feeling when you've been out all day and you feel all sleepy on the way home. Love the flyers you got too! xxx

  16. thankyou. you're so pretty :)

  17. Aw it looks like you had a fun outing~ I'm missing my holidays already.
    Oooo Anonymous! I was just youtubing about them a few days ago.
    Cute postcards!!

  18. oh you look so cute--love that dress. and i really like the v for vendetta mask too.

  19. wow such cool shops wish i could have seen them! but its probably good i didn't i would be broke now otherwise :L

    From Dara x

  20. love this post!!

  21. i love afflecks! it's insane how big it is, i could (and have...) spent hours in there

  22. I wish I could go on more adventures with my friends, but we're all lame and have a hard time getting around unless we walk for miles and miles! XD


♫ Feeding on your love ♥