My cousin's wedding was the first 'traditional' Chinese wedding I have ever attended...
The wedding was beautiful and the speeches were given in Mandirin, Cantonese and English. There were so many traditions for the up coming days so as you can guess I was very confused!
...but instead of staying there throughout the whole event, my brother, my cousin and I went on an errand and then got side tracked when we realised we weren't needed so we did a bit of
♥McDonalds x2
♥Puri Kura
We're also pretty sure Henry got mistaked for a groom several times, because everyone was gawping at us XD The wedding happened at Mong Kok, in a restaurant, in a shopping mall!
Before going out, eating ice cream, waiting for the elevator
My cousin used to look after me when I was young and buy me things; can you guess why he's my favourite cousin ^^?

Puri Kura store! It was amazing and so much fun. The guys were drawing inappropiately things XD and we lost one of our Puri Kuras because you had to pay extra to print it out and we had no change! :(
Puri Kura store! It was amazing and so much fun. The guys were drawing inappropiately things XD and we lost one of our Puri Kuras because you had to pay extra to print it out and we had no change! :(
My brother looks very cute! I'm amazed how they brighten your eyes! Aren't I lucky to have such cuties as relatives ^^?
Puri Kura
Looking at the Puri Kura makes me so happy. I carry it around with me because it makes me laugh and cheers me up when I get a really low score in college X3
Do you have alot of photos or Puri Kura with family?
♪ Music; HIM -Scared To Death
wow look at those photo booths! i want some here in australia! thanks for your comment :)
F. ( x
I only have one purikura with my younger brother and that's cos I forced him to do it xD Most of mine are with friends or of the bf xD hehe
BUT YOU LOOK ADORABLEEEEEE with the new hair colour + dress! Your cousin is so nice to always buy you things ;A;
Your new hairstyle really suits you!
But the ponytails.. I'm not so sure!
Congratulations with your cousins wedding! So beautiful!
I remember my cousins wedding aswell.. the speeches were spoken in 3 kind of different languages o_o
Cute photo's with your brothers btw! My brothers don't like these photo's... they think it's super girly.
oh what a nice wedding *_*
I have only puri with my cousin, the rest of my family isn't really interested in prikura XD
The purple weddingdress is sooo amazingly beautiful <3 *O*
Never did purikura :( really want to try though but they dont have it here. If they had i would have been poor in money and rich in pictures .. lol XD
xoxo MariaMay
If you havent already please check out my giveaway ^^
I love to do thatttt, but they don't have those machines here !! so i need to wait till i'm in hk again =p
/reply/ yeah, only 8 year olds look good with double side ponytails XD
congrats to your cousin ~ ^_^
hehe you are so cute naka ! i dont have any purikura .. =( no stores around me.. hahha.. i live in a non-asian community.. lol
such great pictures, loads of fun
congrats to the couple.
best wishes for them !
Aw, wow! The bride looks really pretty.
And you have very cute relatives; and puri kura!!!
I always carry around pictures of my siblings and my friends in my wallet <3
Awh, That wedding looks so pretty and fancy!
Congrats to them and I hope you had a nice time^^
Suprisingly enough, I don't have alot of pictures with my family D:
Your cousin's dress is beautiful :D
cute purikura!
wow so many different machines! I've never gotten a chance to try Purikura but I've always wanted to!
you're always stopping at mcdonalds! :)
the wedding looks very pretty Naka!
Oh to Be a Muse
Oh my, your cousin's dress is absolutely stunning! Your dress was also really cute as well! ^^
Purikura always makes me happy too but I have very few with my family. :(
/reply/ I knew put off, but what do you mean with stating? XD
XD No, wait! You replied on my entry with the following: "<...> tehe yeah thats y I'm put off buying online alot, but im stating too <...>"
What do you mean by "stating"? XD
She looks great! Im guessing you had an amazing day!
Such cute photos!
As always you look very adorable in the photos! ^__^ <3
The bride looks amazing! It seems like the wedding must of been amazing o: I always find weddings or events similar to that to be kind of boring. xD Lucky for you and your relatives that you were able to venture out into the mall!
The puri kura machine always makes people appear amazing in the pictures xD I want to go to one T_T
now that is just one cute family! and whoaa, what a HUGE event that wedding was! and your cousin's dress is just phenomenal!
Oh, my! How come you guys left your cousin's wedding half way through?! =O Haha.
I didn't know what Puri Kura was until today, ha! All the pictures are really cute!:P
Have a nice week, Naka! ;)
awww this is so sweet and what a wedding her dress looks amazing, I love the pictures of you and your cousin. Weddings are always great to see family at a happy event, and why did you leave? I hope it's all okay, I would have been hitting the buffet I love wedding food because no one judges how much you eat haha Hope you had a wicked weekend xxxxx
i have no idea what puri kura is! is it the photos?? :3 lol
but i remember when i attented my uncle's weddin, he also did it at a restaraunt and i felt so awkward every time i had to go outside to get food. but i love your wedding attire. it's very naka, lol :)
i missed coming to your page and seeing your little cutestuffs!
I wish I could drag my brother, Jaren, and Josh to take purikura with me! Jaren and Josh aren't realted to me, but they're like family to me! ^^
Lovely purikura Grace!! I've already taken a BUNCH of them in my first three months here in Tokyo, and if you like I can send you some (Well I'm sure I've put some on the letter I wrote you which is still lying on my table , but I promise I'll send it the next days :-)
You must come to Düsseldorf ahen I'm back and we can have some purikura, too! We only have two machines in our local jap bookstore, though... or better come to Tokyo, hahaha, here we have so many new ones and they cost only 400 or 300 Yen each!!
yay purikura! I've never taken it with family before @.@ just my cousin. nice to see you back on blogger!
I love the Puri Mura photos! You are all so cute :)
cute photos, i love ur bangs :)
check my new blog post " United Kingdom " and leave ur comment.
Oh that is so cute and what an epic dress in the first pic!
I heart sticker photos
Bright Green Laces
Welcome back beautiful one! I've missed you!
Your hair looks stunning in the pictures by the way!
Did you steal the limelight from the event with your stunndress?!
ooh so cute puri kura! *O*
so beauty photos =D
That store looks SO fun! I've seen some of your restaurants and stores on TV here and everything is so bright and fun and ALIVE looking. I'd love to visit someday.
hehe I always love those sticker booths. and the wedding looks beautiful! the hall and her dress just looks perfect
the wedding looks beautiful. her dress is gorgeous!
you have such a cute blog!
come check out my giveaway!
i have a lot with my sister!~
Hey! Can I ask where in Hong Kong is that Puri Kura store? Thanks in advance :)
That's nice, and then the bride's dress is gorgeous!
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