Hong Kong was always so ridiculously hot. It even went up to 36 degrees at one point. I had problems with immigration for the first few days (had to queue up at the government office at 6.30am), and then my mum fell sick after or several days, but it was an experience.
I did alot of shopping though.
Sasa in Sheung Shui
I spent alot of time in Mong Kok. I thought I would show you my outfits. I didn't take many outfit photos :(
Outfit: Shoes/Top/Vest/Bag: Hong Kong, Shorts: Marks and Spencer
outfit: everything bought in HK
Outfit: Vest/bag: Hong Kong, Skirt: Marks and Spencers
I really love my hair in high buns, but I got my hair cut, seriously never going to get my hair cut again when there is a language barrier. I wanted a trim just a cm or 2 off and he took around 7cm off :/ and then thinned my hair, I hate my hair being thinned out. I want my hair back to this length. I was really upset, he had caught my ear piercing aswell in his comb and tugged on it really hard when it was freshly pierced. It was honestly the worst experience.
Outfit: everything from Hong Kong.
I'm an XL in HK clothing. It's kinda depressing since I fit most M clothes in UK. It was kinda a shock when shop keepers would exclaim why am I looking at such small clothes for myself... whilst I was over there I had lost weight too.
I was really happy to go back to Hui Lan Shan and have my favourite Watermelon and Aloe drink.
I alos bought some awesome shoes.
So the past couple of days have been quite eventful and hectic. I moved into my flat for university, and I flew back from Hong Kong by myself.
did you guys miss me :p?

♪ Music; Rammstein - Du Hast
omg welcome back!! I always want to go HK it's awesome there <3
I just recently had a haircut and kind of missing my long hair now but I always said to myself it will grow again so don't worry!
Your experience is surely bad having haircut there :/ I hope the hairdresser would do better next time!
You have cute outfits!! ♥
hello! i like your blog, im following you now! if you like my blog, follow me back please! XoXo
I think the Aloe and Watermelon drink tastes nice and cute hair buns!
Thanks for visiting my blog. xoxo ♥
I am sorry for the immigration issue but I love all the things that you have bought!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Welcome bak to Blogging Grace! <3 HK seems to be an awesome place for shopping, I guess it is very similar to Tokyo XDD Hope you enjoyed your tie, can't wait to hear moe from your travels!
so cool photos^_^
Crazy sizing there! D:
Like your outfits though :3
Yay, you're back! The Domo back-pack is cute, and I really like the hair-buns too, very sweet. The drink sounds interesting, what does aloe taste like? I'm glad you had a good holiday Grace and sorry to hear that your hair didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. xxx
That's a shame about your haircut! D:
On the bright side, you're dressed cutely and the watermelon drink looks so good!
Yaaay, you look so cute on photos! I love ur hairstyle! :-))
Shoes are really awesome :3
wahh i love your hair like that! so adorbs! and that domo packpack is AWESOME!!!! hahaha so cute!
Aww, I think you look cute with shorter hair !
Lovely purchases, those little sneakers are cool.
cute outfits!
Argh yeah I don't feel comfortable shopping for clothes in Hong Kong TBH... heck you look really slim as well!
aw~ cute bloggie♥ looking forward to read more posts ^-^y
Hi dear, looks like you had a great time in HK, what a fantastic city, all your outfits are so cute! Hope your mum is better
how many adventures .. I'm sorry about your mom, but now he's better, right?! I hate going to the hairdresser! Very nice photos and the drinks ... good!
Even here in Italy did a crazy hot this summer, now it's better ..
I missed you
Of course I missed you! I wanted to hear about HK. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't everything nice. In particular the weight thing...so depressing! I have always to choose XL or XXL for a normal fit on asian clothes, and I'm not considered fat at all here in Italy!
It's nice to watch your outfit photos ^^
Of course I missed you! I wanted to hear about HK. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't everything nice. In particular the weight thing...so depressing! I have always to choose XL or XXL for a normal fit on asian clothes, and I'm not considered fat at all here in Italy!
It's nice to watch your outfit photos ^^
Of course I missed you! I wanted to hear about HK. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't everything nice. In particular the weight thing...so depressing! I have always to choose XL or XXL for a normal fit on asian clothes, and I'm not considered fat at all here in Italy!
It's nice to watch your outfit photos ^^
oy 36 degrees, that is hot! and flying back yourself must have been so boring on such a long ride! good thing for those movies huh!? :D
Danke für dein Kommentar<3<3
Wow, die Bilder sind toll *v* Ich würde auch gerne mal nach Hongkong ;o; Naja vielleicht irgendwann^^
Ich liebe deine outfits, so cool :D
Bleh... I'm kind of jealous of you. I love Hong Kong. The malls and transit are way better than anything we have over here.
And why would you mind if it's hot? Just stay inside where there's AC. :P
Really nice outfit and pictures sweetie~~ You have a lovely blog and i´m following you now if you want viit my blog~~
God bless you...
very cool! <3
neat post and love the sneakers!
My Lyfe ; My Story
you look great <3
Haha I love your styles, nicely taken! <3
And I am going to try watermelon aloe sounds so good and refreshing! ^_^
What the heck!? You look like an XS to me! Asian brands make sizes way smaller than normal.
I really like your hair now, although yeah, hair dressers do not seem to understand what 2cm are, ha!
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