I wish I could be a secret spy carrying a pistol hostler. I really hope the rifle club let me in :(
I've been pairing my tights with my new favourite shorts.
Also I've signed up for a taster of these societies
rock climbing
stitch 'n' bitch
east asian studies
sporting rifle club
circuit training
I'm debating whether or not to join the cross country club so I can meet fellow runners :p
What clubs are you in?
Also I've signed up for a taster of these societies
rock climbing
stitch 'n' bitch
east asian studies
sporting rifle club
circuit training
I'm debating whether or not to join the cross country club so I can meet fellow runners :p
What clubs are you in?

You've joined great societies! :)
Tattoo tights look cool. ^^
I love those tights! <3
*Big virtual hug*
I hope you are doing
I want to own a
pair of tattoo
as well!!
The pistol want is
really awesome c:
I used to be in a
swim club, gymnastic
club and dance club..
I want to join a
yoga club lolz
this is so cool!
Love them!!
Great post!
My Lyfe ; My Story
Cool tights! :]
Stitch and bitch sounds funny! :p
I am in no clubs, I don't think it's that big here in the Netherlands either! You are in lot of clubs though!
I love tattoo tights too!!!! I've been thinking of diy my own but still didn't have time to do so but yours look absolutely amazing!!!!! Love it so much :)
I love tattoo tights so much! :33
Cool tights!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
so goooood! <3
- A.
those tights are cool, and have fun joining the cross country!
Hi doll, your tights look super cute and cool!
hey-hey, thanks for your lovely comment❤ that batman sweater is cute ^-^
really cool tights and all the societies you have joined sound really interesting!
Wow, I haven't really seen tattoo tights before, but now that I have I might be a bit addicted to them too--so cool.
I'm not in any school clubs, but I totally would have joined gymnastics, rifle and rock climbing.
soo cool i want some but i always wear pants :P even-though i still want ❤
Where do you get them from? They look so amazing!
You're doing so much! Have fun :)
Carmen Ri.
Cool tights <3
Lovely post! Check out my blog?
Love your jumper and awesome tights! Looks like you've joined up lots of different societies - definitely awesome to be proactive!
Looks very cool!
Those tights are so neat, a good way to wear a tattoo without inking yourself haha :) Have fun dabbling in all those societies!
amazing <3
No clubs at all. I'm not good enough to join the Starcraft one. :P
Awe, Grace, your tight are so friggin' adorable!
And yay for studying, smart girl! ;D
Have a great week and a fun month! ;D
love the tights.
Tattoo tights are so amazing! I've been seeing some fantastic ones on Taobao and eBay.
But I saw a pair of the ball-jointed tights that make you look like a doll on tumblr with no source, and now I really want some! Those are my favorite so far.
Wow, cool! I'd like to try tattoo tights myself.
Oh the tattoo tights are cool! But that seems like a lot of clubs, how will you manage them all. Bet youll have a lot of fun though!
Daisy Dayz
awesome tights
wanna follow each other? let me know... ;)
minimalistic me
yessss! these tights suit my fickle nature when it comes to tattooes
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