I didn't have a thin jacket so I improvised a rock chic warm outfit XD
It was strange. I felt quite confident and sexy rocking this outfit ;3 I even got wolf whistle, it was really embarrassing... I always thought it was a bad thing to enjoy getting compliments and looks, but aslong as I keep dressing for myself and no one else I can appreciate them right? The outfit survived the concert and college and a run all in one day
My outfit: Skirt : handmade, Shirt : in Germany, Tights: Primark, Shoes/Halterneck top: ?
First up was Hyro Da Hero, who was surprisingly amazing. I don't really like rap, but his work was amazing :)
Next were The Swellers.They played too many songs, so I didn't really like them. They didn't really seem to connect to the crowd so it was a bit bland.

So after queuing for 2 hours we saw less than one song from the Blackout! MAJOR disappointment, however the moshpit we started made up for it. We had to run a mile in less than 10 mins to catch the last train home :( and then it was delayed... 
I went with Steph and John. John got a drumstick :(
I was so happy my tights didn't get ripped at the concert aswell...
Which band would you love to see live?
P.S I failed the hair challenge. Please no hate T_T
P.S I failed the hair challenge. Please no hate T_T
♪ Music; Hyro Da Hero - Beam Me Up Scotty
i like ur tight, so cuteee and adorable :)
your tights surviveddd!! jealous mine always rip im tooo tall D:
+1 for your outfit! <3
Errr.. I'd like to see.. .. er.. many bands live? XDD Haha!
awww you look so stunning and sexy, really!*v* I think you should wear this style more often :3 It's a kind of onee-san-lolita^^ still lolita style but somehow it's also so ladylike*v*
I like it so much^^
I will write a few thingsa bout princess-diet soon^^
I really like this outfit!
Looks cool :)
i've always loved this handmade skirt and it looks great with the jacket. and i have those awesome tights!
You are definitely rockin' this outfit. Perfect for the occasion.
amazing tights! and a gorgeous outfit!
Sorry it sucked but at least the moshpit made up for it *and* you looked cute. *^_^*
I'd love to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Green Day live.
cute socks!
i totally dig the outfit!! very cool and cute at the same time ♥ i enjoy getting compliments (as long as they don't turn into sleazy come-ons) and so should you! especially while you wearing something you made yourself ^___^ haha!
i'm totally digging your rocker chic look! thats a good thing about your stockings not getting ripped! mine always do after 3 or so wears. :(
I could go for some Def Tones.
You look great! Ohh sounds like the night didn't turn out as expected, but at least you got to see one song :)
Mmm.. I'd love to see MIA or Santogold!
Wooo <3 You looks heaps sexy ;) And yess! Appreciate those comments cos you deserve themmm <3 <3
I really like your outfit babe!
Especially the skirt~
You look so wonderful in that look :D
I adore the skirt with the stars :-D it's so cute ^-^
It's sad that the Swellers didn't connect to the crowd. And that you saw less than one song from the blackouts :'(
I want to go to so many concerts :P
Most of the time it fun :P
xxx London & Paris
♥nice post.)) love your blog♥
I do love that skirt; you totally rock it!!! <3
Also, that sailor scarf is sooo cuuuutee! :3
(also I sent your letter on Friday~)
You look very very cool. P.S. If you feel like it, I have tagged you in a post. The plan is to list ten things you love and then tag 10 other people! If you don't feel like it or you've already done it that's cool but I wanted to list you for my readers to see :)
That right there? My attempt at a virtual wolf whistle. Hahaha. But really. You look AWESOME. I love the look - so rockstar. Looks like you had a fabulous time.
Too cute!
You're rocking those bow tights.
I liiiiiiiiiiike that outfit!!!
Cool blog lady, very cool tutuorial below too!!! I wish I could knit. I tried when I was a kid but I think it took me about 6 months to do no more than 4 rows :/ :/ :/ hahahaa needless to say I never tried knitting again. I can sew though!!!! Maybe I could sew a sailor scarf!!!
ur tight so cool!!
btw thanks for ur kindness ヽ(´3`)ノ
LOVE those tights with that skirt! And you're so right, as long as you're dressing for you in the end!!
hey nothing wrong getting checked out in your outfit! You looked great and as long as you like it I say go for it!
cute outfit :3
beautiful tights! :D
You've gone from cute to sexy. You're officially a WOMAN!
There are so many bands that I would love to see live! I would love to see A Rocket to the Moon, We the Kings, and Andrew McMahon in concert again. However, I would love to see My Chemical Romance, One Night Only, Muse, Room 94, Boy Kill Boy, etc live. Unfortunately, a lot of the bands I want to see are only touring the UK, which is lucky for you! XD
Coool outfit, I like the tights.
Skirt is handmade? That's great ^^
love you tights! And i would love to see oasis! <3
I agree. Smaller venues are much better.
cute skirt!
Travel In Style
Very wise words about dressing for yourself! I wholeheartedly agree :)
Band I'd like to see are Arcade Fire.
I have those same tights too and surprisingly, I've not ripped mine yet either! It's strange because when I buy more expensive pairs in Topshop, I'll rip them almost straight away.
nice! iLove ur style! u rock :D
it has to be The Strokes of course!
glad you had a fun time :)
eclectic du jour
sweety, i tagged you on a post (*´▽`*)
Nice outfit! I do hate it when stockings snag!!!! Especially when they're my favorite heart patterened 10$ stockings! *sigh* oh wells things happen in life right? lol Im glad you had fun at the concert!
Oh, your skirt looks so adorable! I want one like yours too:)
Love the outfit!!!
I'd love to see MUSE!!
HAve a nice holidays!!
love love
Your posts, always so adorable!
how come i can't see ur blog posts on my dashboard.. lol.. u 've been posting and i havent noticed.. i haven't been blogging for a while anyways i love the skirt that you're wearing. i've been busy .. but now i'm not so busy.. but i was looking at my dashboard recently.. but i havent been posting.. .
im happy your tights didnt get ripped too theyre so cute x
ur ribbon tights are way so adorableee <3
I just love your look, gorgeous!!! I love your blog and now following! Maybe you'll have time to visit my blog:)
you have a right to feel sexy in that outfit! i love it! :D glad you had fun at your concert :3
wow !
cool outfit !
love the tight <3
thx for ur comment,
love your skirt and tights!
love your skirt and tights!
chic outfit! XD
lovely tights !
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