The Gothic Lolita Bible is a Japanese Mook, which contains alot of inspiration for both fashions. many come with stickers and sewing tutorials, however if you only want sewing tutorials, you're best off with Gosu Rori, which is only sewing tutorials and a few brand releases.
I thought I would finally share some scans from some of the issues I have.
Click to enlarge.
(Winter 2010)
Tutorials included (Vol 38) - Collar, Deer Stencil, Jewellery, Stocking, Head Bow, Rabbit Plush, Headpiece, Candle, Apron, Wreath
Putumayo <3
GLB also includes Kodona, Aristo and Goth.
I really enjoy the street snaps part. I love seeing how people wear the clothes.
Winter 2009
Tutorials included (Vol 35) - BTSSB Fur Bag and Bow Choker, 2 BPN Skirts, Na+H Choker, Chocochip Cookie Jewellery, Innocent World Bows, Sock Toppers, Bag and Wristlets.
I really like the red x black tutu and the girl's outfit!
Summer 2011
Tutorials included (vol 40) - VM Hair Tie, IW Sailor Cutsew, BTSSB Headdresses, AP Choker and Bow, BPN Skirt, Putumayo Choker, Chocochip Cookie Headdress, Zigzig Bag
The GLb often include useful tips on make up and wigs.
I really love the Goth style on the street snaps and I plan to make the Sailor cutsew in the near future :)
Do you have a magazine subscription?
What do you think of Gothic Lolita Bible?
♪ Music; Jack White - Love Interuption
inspiring <3
Thanks for the scans! The part where you say you enjoy the street snaps part, take the left scan, and then the bottom left! OMG TINY WAIST! O___o That just scares me!
I like the hairstyles^^
looking forward to meet you soon^^
I've always seen these but never have looked in them. I love Japanese magazines though, they are always so cute! The only magazine that I really read regularly is Teen Vogue, its my favourite :D
Carmen Ri.
I find the Gothic Lolita Bible very fun and creative! The hair always gets me. ;D
(That is one thing our magazines here do not have. Freebies! T_T)
wow! these looks are so cute! Never really been into the style myself but i do like checking bloggers!
tried to e-mail you but it was empic fail and refused to send to your account. email me?
So much inspiration, thank you!!!
My grandaunt gives me two italian fashion magazines after she read them, but they're quite general ones. I'd like to read one aimed at girls in theyr 20s and of alternative fashion, but in Itay a thing like this doesn't exist :(
goth lol has the most beautiful doll looks! thanks for sharing the scans hun ^^ xoxo
thanks for sharing,kiss kiss
The street snaps part is my favorite area int he magazine! I'll always flip to those first at the book store. ^^
The street snaps part is my favorite area int he magazine! I'll always flip to those first at the book store. ^^
Looks nice and the models are so pretty ;w;
thanks for the scans!
all the models look amazing! japanese magazines are always fun to look at. :)
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