
27 June 2012

Fiona & the Argandnauts

and incredibly sad and dorky. 

For the end of year, my college decided to do a Sport event.
three legged race

I can't feel my arms or legs now, but it was worth it.

 jungle run

The bouncy castle challenge was fun, kinda of impossible, and we were incredibly slow :(

water bucket run

We had to run with a bucket full of water over our head, but the bucket had several holes in it :(

soaked from bucket racing

tug of war

This was my favourite 'sport', we came second and my right arm is quite bruised.

water balloon catch

I kept dropping and bursting the water balloons, so we lost :(

sack race
Lewis made out team proud with his awesome levitating skills.

I'm gonna miss my further maths class, we made a crap team, but oh well it was fun.
Thank you Mr Nice Guy for cheering us on and taking the photos, and being our horse substitute ^_^

In other news


I'm really into Chuck Palahniuk, I received most of the books for Xmas, but I've only had time to finish one. I used to have Choke, but I lent it out and never got it back so Mr Nice Guy got me another one. I wish he spoilt himself as much as he did me. 

Remember the Batman Jumper I knitted for Mr Nice Guy? It's recently joined my 'to fix and repair' pile :p

What sport are you best at? 
I think I only have a chance at dance machines and Badminton.

♪ Music; The Wombats - 1996


  1. Aw wow this looks like such a fun and exciting event, so energetic pics!

  2. wow, that looks like a ton of fun! the bouncy castle looks like the best!

  3. Looks like an awesome time, even though you got soaked!!! I am not really too good at any sport! LOL!


  4. This is a fun idea for the school. I like Chuck as well. Glad you got a second copy of Choke--it's such a great book.

  5. cant believe you knitted that--so good!

  6. omgosh how fun! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moon bounces!!! omgosh that batman sweater you made is INSANE!!!!

  7. OMG how much fun! Answer= I'm not good at any sports. well, ok, I'm good at snowboarding. I'm not good at team sports! And thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Would you like to follow each other?
    A's Fashion Files

  8. Sounds so nice! Why don't we have that kind of events? It would be awesome to take part of those funny sports! x )

    Still I'm very bad at sports... But there is two sports which I control in somehow : D They are Finnish baseball and Elephantball x'D

  9. Love the batman sweater. And you can make the galaxy print yourself on an item! Check out my blog to see how to! I made a DIY.



    Style Route

  10. Looks sur fun ! Why doesn't every school do that kind of sports event ? :O
    And I just LOVE the batman sweater :D

  11. That's so cute how you made Mr. Nice Guy a sweater! Also, all the games sound fun. I'm also very bad at catching, though. ):

  12. I'm good at being
    goofy dancing on
    music c:

    I really can't say
    which sport I
    really sparkle...

    The sport event
    looks nice,
    especially the
    bouncing castle!
    The Batman jumper
    looks nice!!


  13. Haha this sports event looks like so much fun! Yaayy a bouncing castle :D
    I'm not a sporty person, but what I like is Badminton.

  14. love the batman sweater!
    can't wait to see you on my blog!

  15. that batman jumper looks really awesome, you're so talented!

  16. Oh, wow, that sounds like fun! Although I'd hate to be soaked in water for the rest of the evening, haha! :p

    Hope you're having a great week, Grace! ;D


  17. Hee hee...any sport event with a bouncy castle gets a thumbs up from me. XD I suck at sports but if I had to choose, it'd be

  18. I'm sorry I broke the batman jumper :( im such a fail, the jumper was the nicest thing anyones given me.

  19. It looks fun :D I love sport haha
    I think I'm quite good at badminton :p

  20. woww!! looks to me like you had loads of fun.. I wanna go there tooo DDD: me wants to play! and I love that knitted batman sweater! Mr Nice Guy is a lucky guy!

  21. That seems awesome!!

    Take care :)

  22. It looks like fun!! I was always one of those who hated sports, hahaha! i still hate it and I've never been good at any sport, lol.

    Oh no, the batman jumper broke?? ;__; Hope you can fix it, it is such a unique piece!

    Got your care bear card yesterday, I will reply soon! <3 Greets and miss you!

  23. Hello Naka, happy to read your new post! and ... good fun!


  24. Wow, that sport event must have been awesome! I'll never get tired of those blown castles, even though I was a kid a long time ago. ;)I'm following you now. :* If you want, you can find me on:
    Have a nice day! Kisses from Serbia! <3

  25. Looks like you had a great time :)
    Well, I love running! And handball *_*


  26. I haven't been on a bouncy castle in so long, looks like a whole heap of fun :) I'm rubbish at all sports (not that I play any) - I'd happily be a spectator though, especially tennis!

  27. looks like you had a good time! and the batman knit looks awesome!

  28. That jumper is Amaze! I am totally terrible at sports

    Pixel Hazard | Bright Green Laces |

  29. Looks like you had fun! I'm always not the best at sports

  30. omg fun day!
    i wish we had this kind of events at school *sigh*
    you look so cute after a bucket shower :-P

  31. wow...looks like fun.

    I have one of Chuck Palanuk book. Yet to read

  32. I'm not good at sports...but in high school I was the best at hula hoop (is it a sport?).
    I'm reading fight club right now! Is the first book by Palahniuk for me.


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